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One way to identify someone, or oneself, is through the societies and
groups one associates with.
- FRP - Forssan Roolipelaajat (The Roleplayers of Forssa)
The first time I figured what bureaucracy one needs to found
a registered society (the local library was giving rooms free
of charge to cultural related societies, so made up one with a
few friends). Quite a few years has passed since the last meeting...
- TKY _ Teknillisen Korkeakoulun Ylioppilaskunta (HUT Student Union)
I', still a teekkari, and even proud of it..
- FK - Fyysikkokilta (The Guild of Physists)
Haven't been active there for ages, though have fond memories of the freshman year.
- TIK - Tietokilta (The Guild of CS students)
Finally changed my department officially, so joined this guild as well.
- ORC - Otaniemi RoleplayingClub r.y.
- Alter Ego - Roleplayers at the University of Helsinki
- IKI r.y. - Provides permament email/www redirection service
- Otakut - Anime club in HUT
- OKT - Opiskelijakansantanssijat (Finnish folkdancing)
- La Fiamma di Danza - Performing Renaissance Dance group
- SCA - Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (medieval/renaissance re-enactment)
- HOK - Hämäläis-Osakunta (regional student union at Helsinki Univ.)
- HOT - Hämäläisen Osakunnan Tanssikerho (ball room dancing)
- SHUT - Spock's HUT (Scifi films..joined to watch Babylon 5 long ago)
- Suoli - Suomen Liveroolipelaajat (The Finnish Live Action Role Players' Association)
- Audiopoli - Home Theatre Club, or so
Lasse Antero Myyry<lav@iki.fi>
Updated: 2003-01-08